Let me start by saying how deeply saddened we are by today’s events in Boston and to everyone in the City of Boston, to those running the marathon, family members, fans, volunteers, etc our thoughts and prayers are with you. In the midst of horror, fear and chaos there were first responders, medical professionals and average Joe’s helping the hurt, scared and wounded. What they saw today will forever be etched in their mind. They chose to run towards those in need and not away, they chose to help and not hinder, they chose to support and not let down.
Our society has truly lost its way and as the mother of a 3 year old I’m terrified for the world he is inheriting, at this point I can still shelter him from the realities but at some point that will no longer be an option. So today, I’m challenging you to do something kind or generous for someone every day expecting nothing in return, but just to make their day a little brighter. I’m convinced that making someone’s day every day will change your life and positively change the lives of all those around you. We could all use a little extra kindness and perhaps with everyone doing just a little more to make someone else’s life just a bit better we’ll see real positive change.